about me

Since 1991 I have been hooked to 3D grafiks. At that time I was working with the first releases of 3d Studio DOS.

Since then I was lucky to work in almost all areas of CGFX,  starting with Music Clips, followed by Level Design and Characteranimation in the Gaming Industry, doing Image Films, Product Design, Commercials and finally Feature Films.

I had the honour of taking part in productions like Game of Thrones Season 2 ( Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects ), Hugo Cabret ( Oscar for Visual Effects ) and Star Trek Into Darkness.

I´m working as  a 3D Generalist, Lighting TD and CG Supervisor. In short: I´m a 3D-Activist ;-)

How did I get here?

- curriculum vitae, resumee



Wanna more?

- stuff you never wanted to know about me



Contact me

